Statement of
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
25 June 2022
From Manila, / where the Resolution / declaring June 25 of each year /
as International Day of the Seafarer was born, / I join in celebrating the
grit and courage of all our Filipino seafarers. //
They say / there is one Filipino seafarer / for every 4 to 5 crewmembers on board a vessel at any time. // And why not? // Being an archipelagic state and maritime nation, / seafaring is inherent to our identity as a people / and our destiny as a nation. // When the Spanish Cardinal in Manila wrote King Philip II of Spain, he complained that Filipinos don’t mind being under Spain; but they don’t fulfill what is required of them, like agriculture. // “So what are good for,” the King asked in 6 month long correspondence. // “Fighting and sailing, Your Majesty,” said the Spanish Cardinal. // “Then use them to do just that.”
This year’s theme, “Your voyage — then and now; share your journey” is particularly appropriate / for a country now considered / both the largest source / of both officer and ratings1 seafarers in the world and global social media capital. // Filipino seafarers are uniquely positioned to share the many facets of their journeys. //
Seafarers demand peculiar attention and extraordinary recognition. // Their experiences and challenges are unique to their dangerous and demanding industry, / which most of us are unlikely to undergo as we lead our daily lives almost entirely on land. // Seafarers face risks that are inevitable given the natural circumstances of shipping and maritime work, / and those that proceed from the frailty of humanj udgments and processes. // The former are capable of mitigation, /while the latter are capable of solutions or prevention at best. //
Our role in government is to provide such remedies. // We took proactive steps / to respond to challenges that emerged from the pandemic: / classifying maritime workers as essential workers,/ thereby prioritizing them for vaccines, movement within borders and priority in government services. //
Under my watch, / the DFA has continued to press for compliance / with requirements of the European Maritime Safety Agency, / to uphold the Filipino seafarer’s noble reputation as the best in the world. // We will continue to do so as will my successor. // The shortfalls are most the fault of Marina and CHED. // The EU has offered every help it can. // The invaluable contribution of seafarers to our country / begets recognition not only in terms of platitudes / but also in terms of actual good service. // Nothing less will do. // And we’ll keep hammering that message on their heads. // A meaningful Day of the Seafarer to all.