Photo/s: OFWs withstood long queues during a mobile registration outreach in Hamra, Beirut and at the Embassy Chancery.
18 January 2018 – Filipinos all over Lebanon flocked to the Embassy Chancery to register their personal details and obtain an Embassy-issued ID. The Embassy’s registration/mapping project is part of a program to ensure that Filipinos are readily assisted especially in times of contingency in Lebanon.
The registration of nationals is a regular consular activity undertaken by Philippine foreign services posts all over the world in order to establish a comprehensive database to facilitate the provision of assistance and protection to an estimated 10 million Filipinos living and working overseas. The Embassy’s registration and ID database includes data such as full name, date and place of birth, civil status, contact number, address in the Philippines and in Lebanon, contract duration and employer information.
Since the re-launch of the project on 13 November last year, the Philippine Embassy in Lebanon has successfully registered more than 6500 Filipinos including some minors. This milestone was achieved through the tireless efforts of the Embassy personnel in cooperation with Filipino community organizations.
At present, the registration drive continues to attract the interest and cooperation of Filipinos in Lebanon, with the Embassy processing some 50 registrants daily and around 200 on Sundays. The Embassy starting this January has adopted a Sunday to Thursday workweek.
Filipino community leaders and OFWs in general have expressed their appreciation for the Embassy’s efforts to issue an additional document they can use while in Lebanon.
To fast track and widen its reach, the Embassy conducted in November and December mobile consular missions and registration drive in Tyre (South Lebanon), Hamra (Beirut), and Tripoli (North Lebanon). More mobile registration/consular missions will be deployed to areas known to host big populations of OFWs. END